Francis Doumet
When Kylie Jenner launched her cosmetics brand, Kylie Cosmetics, in 2015, she quickly hit $420 million in sales in just 18 months. Today, she’s on track to achieving $1 billion in lifetime sales by 2022.
In light of this stellar performance, web page load times are ever more critical, given that every 1 second decrease in load times leads to a 7% increase in conversions according to Akamai research. Google’s digital research arm, Think With Google, calculates its own potential revenue uplift from decreases in web page load times by aggregating anonymous data from 383K Google Analytics profiles.
So what is the potential revenue uplift for Kylie Cosmetics?
To answer that question, we started by analyzing the current performance of Kylie Cosmetics’ mobile page.
Below is what we found:
Current Load Time
After compression
We determined the site’s performance could be increased by 1.35x simply by optimizing the images on the site, with no change in image quality. Specifically, the changes in image download sizes would be as follows for 4G speeds of 2.4 Mbps:
2.07 MB
73.22 %
0.56 MB
0.59 S
So how does all this translate into revenue uplift?
Kylie Cosmetics has 1.3M visitors per month on average, according to SimilarWeb. Assuming a 2.5% conversion rate and an average order value of $100, Kylie Cosmetics stands to make an additional $1,015,752 in sales annually, according to Think By Google.
You can test your own site’s revenue uplift potential right here.
And in case you’re wondering, below are the optimization details of the single worst performing image on the site: